MSSA Press Releases
MSSA and 5GAA Agree to Collaborate in Driving Integration of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks
The Mobile Satellite Services Association (MSSA) and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) are pleased to announce an alliance to advance global collaboration in the integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks (NTNs), particularly focusing on Direct-to-Device (D2D) and IoT services.
Martes, 26 de noviembre de 2024
La Asociación de Servicios Móviles por Satélite (MSSA) se une a la CITEL como Miembro Asociado para el CCP.I y CCP.II
La Asociación de Servicios Móviles por Satélite (MSSA) se complace en anunciar su nueva membresía como Miembro Asociado en la Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones (CITEL).
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Mobile Satellite Services Association (MSSA) Announces Strategic Collaboration with GSMA to Enhance Global Mobile Connectivity
MSSA alliance with GSMA announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC)
Las Vegas 2024
March 21, 2024
Media Alert: MSSA Statement on FCC SCS Ruling
“The MSSA welcomes that the Commission clarified in the SCS Report and Order that mobile satellite systems like those of our member companies that use globally allocated MSS spectrum will continue to be able to provide direct-to-device (D2D) service without coming under the SCS framework.
We also are encouraged that the FCC designated SCS as a secondary service, rather than designating it co-primary domestic status under the original NPRM proposal, and that internationally the U.S. licensed SCS services will be on a non-interference basis.
We appreciate the Commission’s recognition that the use of the 1910-1915 MHz/1990-1995 MHz band for SCS would present the potential for interference into already-authorized primary MSS services, and that the mere creation of the SCS framework does not guarantee that it will automatically authorize SCS in a requested frequency band.”
New Mobile Satellite Industry Association to Advance Global Connectivity for Direct-to-Device and IoT Services
Viasat, Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), Terrestar Solutions, Ligado Networks, Omnispace and Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (Yahsat), today announced the Mobile Satellite Services Association (MSSA). MSSA will bring significant scale and choice to promote and advance the emerging Direct-to-Device (D2D) ecosystem.
Viernes, 9 de febrero del 2024
La nueva Asociación para la Industria de Satélites Móviles, busca promover la conectividad global para servicios IoT y directos al dispositivo
Viasat, Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), Terrestar Solutions, Ligado Networks, Omnispace y Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (Yahsat) anunciaron hoy la creación de la “Mobile Satellite Services Association” (MSSA). La MSSA aportará opciones significativas puntuales y escalables, para promover y hacer avanzar el ecosistema emergente Directo-al-Dispositivo (D2D).
Une nouvelle association dans l’industrie des services mobiles par satellite pour développer la connectivité mondiale direct-au-mobile et les services de l’IdO
Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ : VSAT), Terrestar Solutions, Ligado Networks, Omnispace and Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (Yahsat) joignent leurs forces pour créer la Mobile Satellite Services Association (MSSA), qui consacrera ses efforts à développer et promouvoir à l’échelle mondiale l’écosystème émergent du direct-au-mobile (D2D).